看这篇文章大家有什么想法吗? |
送交者: dadahan 2013年03月17日06:38:57 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话 |
http://news.yahoo.com/rise-latino-population-blurs-us-racial-lines-114944593.html 感觉这段尤其然让我无语 The demographic shift has spurred debate as to whether some civil-rights era programs, such as affirmative action in college admissions, should begin to focus on income level rather than race or ethnicity. The Supreme Court will rule on the issue by late June. 如果根据种族让一些孩子享受入学优惠的政策很操蛋的话,根据家庭收入不是一样操蛋吗?感觉美国政客中真有很混蛋的。 |
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