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送交者: 小寒* 2008月09月18日10:53:20 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 我覺得需要鼓勵大家都來買股票了,否則6degrees 於 2008-09-18 10:16:13
House(pay down the mortgate), gold, sliver.

I was at at my little boy's school opening night yesterday. I was inspired by their "Motto of the Day", it says:

Yesterday is history,
Tomorrow is a mystery,
Today is a gift,
Open it and enjoy it!
  做太太的,這樣應該, - 6degrees 09/18/08 (159)
    就是就是! :-)  /無內容 - 小寒* 09/18/08 (88)
  hi, dear friend! Long time - 水滴~ 09/18/08 (160)
    水滴~ dear, good to see you too! - 小寒* 09/18/08 (131)
      I am eager to hear from you, - 水滴~ 09/18/08 (99)
  Debt is debt, no matter where - 小寒* 09/18/08 (168)
  so right - free2005 09/18/08 (164)
    Good to see you! - 小寒* 09/18/08 (118)
      Good to see you too. - free2005 09/18/08 (86)
    按揭應低於年收入的三倍 - 枯木朽株 09/18/08 (142)
      > 7x for those people. - free2005 09/18/08 (107)
      after tax?  /無內容 - laobiao 09/18/08 (79)
        before tax  /無內容 - 枯木朽株 09/18/08 (83)
  As for the financial crisis, - 枯木朽株 09/18/08 (188)
    "Debt is debt" should be here.  /無內容 - 小寒* 09/18/08 (100)
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