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送交者: Yani 2008月06月24日11:18:33 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: Version 2小寒* 於 2008-06-24 10:54:40
God Bless China

Look into once more your crystal eyes, how many dreams have you left behind?
May I use the warmth of my chest, to drive away the cold, to light up the dark
We’re linked by our blood; we’re mirrored by our heart
We’re sharing the same tears; we’re holding the same belief
We cannot replace you, for the suffering you went through
May God bless our devastated home, stronger n’ everlasting.

Look into once more your blurring eyes, how many wishes have you left behind?
May I take over your love, to give it to the stars, to pass it to the mountains

Look into once more your caring eyes, there are no more regrets left there
May I hold your bravery in my hand, to carve it onto the earth, to send it into the sky
    翻着好玩而已,其實就是幼氣院的水平 - Yani 06/24/08 (137)
      炒家? 你看最近油價上午跌幾塊, 下午漲幾塊 - 小寒* 06/24/08 (115)
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