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WB is different from other ban
送交者: xiangshui 2008月09月27日10:19:37 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: Wachovia為什麼會倒閉?vf 於 2008-09-27 08:16:15
WB is different from otehr banks.

WB bought CA Golden West bank, which is the inventor of Option mortgage. The option gives the borrowers the choice how much they like to pay for their mortgage. With CA house market and current mortgage default rates, you could understand WB problems.

Could it survive with government bailout plan? I think so, but we have to see how the bailout plan is implemented.

Is it good for speculation or investment, it is your own judgement.
  thanks for the info. /無內容 - vf 09/27/08 (197)
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