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I'll cut it Monday anyway
送交者: aqaqaqaq 2008月10月05日12:26:51 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: DOW:-27%,NASDAQ:-32%,S&P:-30%6degrees 於 2008-10-05 10:12:33
how to cut, I have not decided yet.
1. Cut in regular account, buy in 401k
2. Cut DDM, buy DIA
3. Cut 10% QLD, buy nothing
4. Cut 20% QLD, buy QQQQ

My QLD and DDM have no way to come back. I just want to reduce the loss, but in the long term, DOW and NAS will come back, DDM & QLD will go down forever.
  do you have a lot in QLD? /無內容 - 6degrees 10/05/08 (130)
  DDM & QLD will go down foreve? - QWE 10/05/08 (219)
    yes, check UYG & XLF - aqaqaqaq 10/05/08 (165)
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