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Yani, here are some thoughts
送交者: 小寒* 2008月10月08日09:09:21 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 小寒透个风Yani 于 2008-10-07 18:48:12
Institutions and funds are still going through the de_leveraging and redemption process. De_leveraging is going through at a fast pace right now, while redemptions will take time. Investors have to redemption notices the HFs at least 3 months ahead. Since the LEH collapse, redemption notice amount have increased dramatically, those money will come out of the funds before the year_end.

As far as I can see, bleeding money are trying to get out, smart money are staying on the sidelines waiting, brave money (mostly individuals with the execption of 6D who has avoided the first 30%) are trying to bottom picking.

It is not until the weekend of LEH collapse when I witnessed how the banks\' policies have changed, that I realized how quickly things have deteriorated.

The Fed\'s involvements are like injecting chicken blood (borrowed term from Q)to a dying man, every dose of injection get the man to jump, but shorter and shorter in time and height.

The market has to go through it\'s own cycle, and repair the damage itself.

People are talking about we should be owning real assets right now. Real assets to me are \"patience and the right state of mind.\" :-)
  问好。你 all cash ? /无内容 - 雨天看窗 10/09/08 (138)
    雨天好! - 小寒* 10/10/08 (137)
      不输最好  /无内容 - 雨天看窗 10/10/08 (134)
  So there is no hope - Yani 10/09/08 (218)
  事实是, - 6degrees 10/08/08 (291)
    这年头, 能刹车不容易. 不输太多就是赢. - 小寒* 10/08/08 (275)
      Good or bad. - 6degrees 10/08/08 (175)
      良所谓:此一时也,彼一时也!  /无内容 - 枯木朽株 10/08/08 (142)
  说得好。头脑清醒最重要 /无内容 - 852 10/08/08 (191)
    谢谢, 新朋友吗? 问好! :-)  /无内容 - 小寒* 10/08/08 (140)
      不算新:)也问好。  /无内容 - 852 10/08/08 (135)
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