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送交者: k19 2008月10月25日00:53:16 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: Oh, my lord!小寒* 於 2008-10-24 08:36:40
I heard this on tv today. For finacial guys, if you want a job you have to go to shanghai or mombay, dubai or good bye.

Yes trading with other people's money is easy. anyone can do it.

How about trade with your own money and borrow the money from your house and quit your good pay job 100+ and you are a total newbie. Do you know what it is like to gamble like this? I do.

My friend, I would love to disscuss more with you. I used to trade gold minners. and got out last june completly. Geez, I am so glad. I plan to get back in soon. I hope I can learn something from you.

BTW what kind of commodities are you trading? if you don't mind I ask.
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