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送交者: 小寒* 2008月10月25日14:35:14 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: K19请进。回答你的问题如下股市糊人 于 2008-10-25 11:41:56
When I saw your posts few days ago, thought you are our old friend Itscheme. If you are itshceme, please ignore the the following; if you are not, here you go…

I saw your posts to me bellow, put me in deep thoughts. I\'m not going to challenge your market views, and I sincerely wish you the best of luck; however, I would like to share some of my thoughts with you.

The situation you are in right now, put you in a very emotional state, I can feel your frustrations and angers that the market is not falling straight down fast enough. All these will effect your absorbing market information in a balanced way: that is, you will ignore all the positive developments, and only the negative news can catch your attention.

I am not bullish, and I think the market will test the 2002 lows around 7500 at some point, but I think the bigger risk in the mid-term (couple of months) is to the upside. I have cut all my shorts two weeks ago.

Putting all you eggs in one basket is risky enough, putting all the eggs of your family in one basket is even more scary. Yes, you are making money right now, may be is a good time to lock in some profits, and rebalance the overall risk (pay back your house loans).

股市糊人的建议很中肯, 见解和对市场的观察都很有水平.

You asked me what I trade. I have been trading energy commodities for many years, many of the friends here knew. I have worked with all kind of traders, and yes, we trade other people’s money, that in many ways is easier. I have seen a bullish trader lost all the money in a bull market, and bearish trade got wiped out in a bear market. One thing I can say to you right now, my friend, the mind status you are in right now, your challenge will eventually be “how to keep the profits”.

Sincerely wishing you the best of luck!
  Thank you too - k19 10/25/08 (257)
    I trade both. - 小寒* 10/25/08 (212)
      I wish I know you long time ag - k19 10/25/08 (179)
    石油在force liquidation严重的情况下 - 小寒* 10/25/08 (344)
      what is your thought about - k19 10/25/08 (267)
        I know the theory of PO - 小寒* 10/25/08 (232)
          Thanks. - k19 10/25/08 (154)
      听说中国在加速增加石油储备 - 枯木朽株 10/25/08 (271)
        This is a great chance for - k19 10/25/08 (247)
        是啊, 希望中国相对安定,关门搞建设. :-) - 小寒* 10/25/08 (196)
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