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Alaska. MOntana or Idaho?
送交者: 水滴~ 2008月10月27日18:38:38 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: Hint:在美國,但離加州很遠,發展較快,房價穩定枯木朽株 於 2008-10-27 17:41:18
Alaska is beautiful, but 6 months of the year, people don't leave their house.

Montana could be somewhere I would love to go. I don't need a big house. 3000 sq ft is enough. In the place you live, if I want to buy 5 acre of land plus a house that doesn't need much fix up, how much it will cost? If plus some mountain or lake view, how much it will cost?

How is the weather there? Is solar powered house doable? How about vegetable planting? Enough sun and rain?

a trustworthy health care system is very much desired although I seldom visit doctors at this point. But when I become older, I will need them. :) What do you mean "the first class"?
  在東南部 - 枯木朽株 10/28/08 (260)
    Thanks. The weather should be - 水滴~ 10/28/08 (227)
  I want to find a farm in - k19 10/27/08 (280)
    why do yor pick Oregon? - 水滴~ 10/27/08 (199)
    You can get a farm - cibc1 10/27/08 (248)
      You know I couldn't stand - 水滴~ 10/27/08 (210)
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