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short term bounce is here.
送交者: k19 2008月10月30日23:37:37 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Sorry, busy today.小寒* 于 2008-10-29 13:15:42
Looks like we will have some fib retracement here.
IMO we might have three key retracement points on spx
1002,1052 and 1102

1102 will be the absolute top, if we ever gets there.
I will add short around 1000, then more at 1052. all in at 1102.
the cp market is losen up. but the price are not good. Plus it is TARP mostly. This is no where near the normal market. TED still high. It is far from over.

Pumpers are pumping. the loss for many firms are massived. Just prepare yourself for the next crash and don't miss it.
GM is at the end of the rope. if govt not bail em out, market will tank right away. If we bail em out. the USD will really start to tank again.

watch this.
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