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送交者: ItsScheme 2008月11月01日21:13:24 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Thanks for inside infok19 于 2008-10-31 22:30:08
sorry. nothing here is inside info. besides, i'm not a professionals in financial industry though i'm doing much better than 95% professionals who clam that these days whoever can diversify the assets, beat the indexes (loss less than indexes) are the winners.

wish i had more time to express my view here what's coming now. i'll have my view late on whne i'm settled.
  问声好 - sunshine 11/01/08 (261)
    again, i'm not a professionals - ItsScheme 11/02/08 (245)
    If you listen to the - k19 11/02/08 (255)
      SALESPERSON 没关系 - sunshine 11/02/08 (238)
        Oh really. hope you won't - k19 11/02/08 (259)
          没错,哈哈 - sunshine 11/02/08 (201)
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