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seems to me this counter trend
送交者: ItsScheme 2008月11月05日10:13:33 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 幹得不錯, 我昨天也買了SHORT, 拋掉部分LONGQWE 於 2008-11-05 10:05:19
rally is not finished yet (yesterday's break out and today's touch trend line). spx hit the 5 days lower trend line and bounced off right away about 30 mins ago. Chart patten changed from ascenting wedge to up channel. Therefore, buy the dip at least for intraday today for a quick bucks is a good trading.
  the up channel is in - Yani 11/05/08 (271)
    yea, it is very flat... - ItsScheme 11/05/08 (231)
  Good observation and timing - Yani 11/05/08 (311)
    i'm waiting for better price - ItsScheme 11/05/08 (234)
      sound very interesting - Yani 11/05/08 (250)
        shiiiiiiii.... - ItsScheme 11/05/08 (148)
    the nature of the securities - ItsScheme 11/05/08 (235)
      從我的判斷指標上看, NAZ會跌得比較多 - QWE 11/05/08 (343)
        i hardly look at naz for - ItsScheme 11/05/08 (238)
          估計要等幾個月, 才會再大跌  /無內容 - QWE 11/05/08 (232)
            yes mid term low is in. - ItsScheme 11/05/08 (203)
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