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the fib # of teh intraday high
送交者: k19 2008月11月12日12:29:24 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: ????? obviously, i haveItsScheme 於 2008-11-12 10:58:15
and low.

once it makes a new now you move your fib retrace to the new low then watch how high it will retrace.

most of the time(this past few days) it retrace 23% and them bounce back. We had 38% retrace for couple of time and failed in the past week. and only one time we retaced 100%. taht was yesterday.

Look, you don't have to believe me. But it is truly unnecessrily to talk like this. If you like to do it fine. I don't give a crap.
But I know one thing. the one lost money and keep make the wrong call in the past 3 days was not me. I cost you money to go against my bets. I have your money now. I am pretty sure of it. I can get out now and with pretty good profits.

LOL, I am just trying to be a little greedy at here.
if it gaps up tommorw, I will get out with smaller profits. Good luck buddy. I really don't like when people bullshit on me. I am trying to be friendly with people. but if you want to step on me for nothing. Then you will get what you deserve.
  lol. nobody bullshit on you - ItsScheme 11/12/08 (226)
    Sure, no offense. - k19 11/12/08 (169)
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