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close the barn door after the
送交者: k19 2008月11月15日14:29:26 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: G20公報。水滴~ 於 2008-11-15 13:50:57
house left.

There isn't much in it. I don't think they will talk about what they plan to do. Bush is leavig the offick. So everybody knows that this is just for show. No substance in this meeting.

The things they planned to do are basicall too late. And they don't know what is comming. All they really said is that they will do whatever it takes to deal with the problem.

You should be scared. Why. If you are sick and the doctor did not know what went wrong. But he told you that he will do whatever it takes to cure you.
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