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I don't think I am qulified
送交者: k19 2008月11月16日22:17:58 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: told you...ItsScheme 于 2008-11-16 14:00:45
as new bear. LOL

Started to short in March 2007. I doubt there are too many shorted before that.

The holidays are comming. I doubt there will be much going on in the market. People will not buy or sell in the comming couple of months. At least not buy big volumn. I plan to lighten up soon. and take a rest. It was a long two years. Have not take anytimes off. want to rest for a month and come back continue next year.
Need to recharge the battery.
Believe me. this market will not go too high. Any rally will get sold, Hard. The problem is not the market. The problem is the real economy. There isn't enough money to hols this market up. Just like a ponzi game. It take a while to build it up. But the collapse will come fast and furious. To tell where the market is going isn't very hard. But to tell why the market is going one way or another is a little bit harder.
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