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:-) This is my first year really paying
送交者: 小寒* 2008月06月30日13:30:38 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: :-) I wish I had your ability to pick winners in bear markets.egghead1 于 2008-06-30 12:06:43
so much attention to the equity market and different sectors, learnt a lot. The most important thing I learnt was "money is always chasing money".
If one can develop a long/short strategy between sectors, would be even better. Imagine if you shorted banks and long energy stocks at the same time? :-)

I know nothing about livestocks. :-(

Frequently asked questions about coal bed mathane:
  as always, thank you. :-) although - egghead1 06/30/08 (230)
    I only know El Paso Energy has - 小寒* 06/30/08 (187)
      Thank you. You are unbelievably nice. :-) - egghead1 06/30/08 (153)
        Now I am embarrassed... - 小寒* 06/30/08 (145)
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