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as always, thank you. :-) although
送交者: egghead1 2008月06月30日13:58:36 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: :-) This is my first year really paying小寒* 于 2008-06-30 13:30:38
I was hoping you could list a few stocks with good CBM exposures. :-) I think you have to be early to identify the trends to make money. You probably wouldn't want to enter a long energy/short financial trade right now because it's a little late. :-) I figure this hot money chasing hot sector(oil, ag) phenomenon has got to change directions at some point. It can't go on forever. I don't know if it will be soon. Some people argue it could go on for a long time. Maybe true. But I still believe that if the whole market drops further, it's hard for one or two sectors to stand out. I'm pretty bearish about the market right now and have some index short ETFs as hedge. So hopefully I can wait for a better entry point for energy stocks. They have been too hot for me. Can't handle them. :-)
  I only know El Paso Energy has - 小寒* 06/30/08 (187)
    Thank you. You are unbelievably nice. :-) - egghead1 06/30/08 (153)
      Now I am embarrassed... - 小寒* 06/30/08 (145)
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