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I have been telling people
送交者: k19 2008月11月18日20:03:49 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: stores closing after Holiday.水滴~ 于 2008-11-18 19:13:31
that a lot of stores will shut the door right after the xmas.
massive closing is comming. That is why I told people it is crazy to go invest in stocks at here.

Why they will close the doors? they had a bad xmas last year. The summer sales aren't good. This time I want to bet the holiday will get them out or break even for the whole year.

The problem is: People will not shop much this holiday.
Job loss, fear of bad times comming. They will spent at least 50% less than last year. That will break their back. As soon as the the holiday ends they will be done with it. What is worse is that some company like mervyn will have the close out sales. That will take a lot of customers away from those still in business.
  由俭入奢易,由奢入俭难啊! /无内容 - 水滴~ 11/19/08 (187)
    nope. when you have to do it - k19 11/19/08 (186)
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