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stores closing after Holiday.
送交者: 水滴~ 2008年11月18日19:13:31 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
I got this Email from a friend. I don't know whether it is true or not. Only as your reference. "If you tend to give gift cards around the holidays, you need to be careful that the cards will be honored after the holidays. Stores that are planning to close after Christmas are still selling the cards through the holidays even though the cards will be worthless January 1. There is no law preventing them from doing this. On the contrary, it is referred to as 'Bankruptcy Planning). Below is a partial list of stores that you need to be cautious about. Circuit City (filed Chapter 11) Ann Taylor- 117 stores nationwide closing Lane Bryant, Fashion Bug ,and Catherine's to close 150 stores nationwide Eddie Bauer to close stores 27 stores and more after January Cache will close all stores Talbots closing down specialty stores J. Jill closing all stores (owned by Talbots) Pacific Sunwear (also owned by Talbots) GAP closing 85 stores Footlocker closing 140 sto res mo re to close after January Wickes Furniture closing down Levitz closing down remaining stores Bombay closing remaining stores Zales closing down 82 stores and 105 after January Whitehall closing all stores Piercing Pagoda closing all stores Disney closing 98 stores and will close more after January. Home Depot closing 15 stores 1 in NJ ( New Brunswick ) Macys to close 9 stores after January Linens and Things closing all stores Movie Galley Closing all stores Pep Boys Closing 33 stores Sprint/Nextel closing 133 stores JC Penney closing a number of stores after January Ethan Allen closing down 12 stores. Wilson Leather closing down all stores Sharper Image closing down all stores K B Toys closing 356 stores Loews to close down some stores Dillard's to close some stores "
  谢谢  /无内容 - 阿糊 11/19/08 (202)
    阿糊,不客气!:)  /无内容 - 水滴~ 11/19/08 (127)
  Forgot to say: Thank you - k19 11/19/08 (171)
    Same here. Trying to decide - k19 11/19/08 (293)
      ItsScheme也是熊熊,和你一拨的,呵呵。  /无内容 - 6degrees 11/19/08 (193)
        Nah, he is bull wear bear skin  /无内容 - k19 11/19/08 (170)
    你们把250B私分了吧?打倒人民公敌六度!  /无内容 - 水滴~ 11/19/08 (248)
      俺要是有幸分到那个,就不劳做了。 - 6degrees 11/19/08 (278)
        说说怎么辛苦劳做的?俺也想换大房子。  /无内容 - 水滴~ 11/19/08 (233)
          你的房子还不够大? - 6degrees 11/19/08 (218)
            eh..女怕嫁错狼. You are right. - 水滴~ 11/19/08 (224)
          I am holding off moving to a - k19 11/19/08 (196)
  I have been telling people - k19 11/18/08 (285)
    由俭入奢易,由奢入俭难啊!  /无内容 - 水滴~ 11/19/08 (187)
      nope. when you have to do it - k19 11/19/08 (186)
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