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China, China, CHina
送交者: aqaqaqaq 2008月06月30日20:11:55 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 現在動不動就聲稱emerging market可以6degrees 於 2008-06-30 14:39:01
can save this world.
But China can also kill American Chinese, because Chinese in Mainland can replace the American Chinese easily.
  What the heck are you talking about? /無內容 - 6degrees 06/30/08 (251)
    my compnay laying off again - aqaqaqaq 06/30/08 (287)
      you are not in right business  /無內容 - 6degrees 07/01/08 (203)
        The right business is trading:)  /無內容 - 枯木朽株 07/01/08 (195)
          Not necessary.  /無內容 - 6degrees 07/02/08 (180)
            Nor sufficient:)  /無內容 - 枯木朽株 07/02/08 (172)
        The right business is trading:)  /無內容 - 枯木朽株 07/01/08 (155)
    jobs ?  /無內容 - free2005 06/30/08 (219)
      給我一個斷裂  /無內容 - 6degrees 06/30/08 (202)
        Give me a break ? -:)  /無內容 - free2005 06/30/08 (207)
  Chinese American are already way behind - free2005 06/30/08 (232)
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