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hopefully the stock you bought
送交者: k19 2008月12月02日18:14:00 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 你若是做中長期,為何如此關心明年?你應更關心三、五年甚至更長福村 於 2008-12-02 11:18:56
won't go to zero in 3 years.
if you know it will be really bad, why you want to buy it now???
Why you want to lose 40% of you money? You can buy twice as much if you just wait.

Are people really that stupid? Yeah right all mental? that is totally bullshit.
LEH went down simply because of sentiment. Too many stupid people in this world.

Why WB did what he has done??? Because he is losing money big time. He wrote 5 Billions worth of put on spx at the top of the market. He is just trying to save his own arss. He is a loser. A pigman, no better than others.
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