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no, it has nothing to do with
送交者: ItsScheme 2008月12月02日20:18:26 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: wow! you are invited to水滴~ 于 2008-12-02 13:47:45
any competition or order of the score/performance of the traders whatsoever. for sure there are hundreds of thousands(if not millions) great traders who are much better than me.

it is a pure private gathering to share the trading knowledge, experience and to have some fun just like you invite a couple of dozens people to your house for christmas party.

the difference is our gathering has a theme so that everyone can learn from each other. and because of the nature of the gathering, it needs a big place to accommodate a large group people and an exotic place to attract traders to come, and more importantly, for security reason (such as to avoid kidnapping in the future), it should not be in anyone's residential place because there are some wealth attendants.

if i don't give a presentation, i have to pay double the cost. i'm cheap ;)
  hehe. :) Have a safe trip! /无内容 - 水滴~ 12/02/08 (184)
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