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Why are you so excited and ...
送交者: 福村 2008月12月03日07:21:43 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 華爾街被“淹” 華人精英哪去了?k19 於 2008-12-02 23:26:24
Why are you so excited? Your rage seems irrational and off base, unless you have been screwed and you are blaming them. But I don't see how they could have screwed you so bad.

Calm down and take it easy, man. You've got to watch your mouth too. Right now, you appear to be a nerd who talk tough, but because you are so over the top, you sound like an idiot. Don't over react to this posting and take it personally either, This was meant to be friendly advice.
  why I am so excited? - k19 12/03/08 (214)
    "Depression is comming"??? Ca - 福村 12/04/08 (205)
      gee, did i stepped on your - k19 12/04/08 (198)
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