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"Depression is comming"??? Ca
送交者: 福村 2008月12月04日20:04:05 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: why I am so excited?k19 于 2008-12-03 19:47:23
"Depression is comming"??? Can't believe you can't spell "coming", and you did it twice. Maybe I am having too much fun with your English. I am not sure if Goldman sucks, but your English sure does. And again, if I were you, I would stick with Chinese, assuming you are better at it.

You may be right about the idiot thing. You may not exactly be an idiot. You are more like mentally unstable. That's more disturbing.

Don't understand your obsession with the "totally bullshit" business either. You use it so excessively, and often totally out of place. Does your wife use that phrase on you often? If she does, I can understand why.

Don't mean to intrude on your family, but since you brought it up yourself, with what appears to be a sense of sickening pride.

Wish I could be more flattering, but I thought this is more helpful to you.
  gee, did i stepped on your - k19 12/04/08 (198)
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