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Chinese are still acting like
送交者: k19 2008月12月04日23:42:54 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 王岐山乞求美国别做强盗!制毒盲流 于 2008-12-04 06:48:18
a fool, so far. About these help American. and buy american companies stuff.

Their foreign reserve are devalued by the seconds. And they still have not figure out what to do whit it yet.

Fed is printing money to buy tbills and printing money to bail out losers.

Have you guys see TNX going down like crazy. And equity market are going up while people are buying treasury bills. This is totally bullshit. I do mean totally!!!
Of course, for those don't understand what I am talking abou will not understand why I used "totally" here.

All this lower interest rate on mortgage is totally bullshit too. We will see.

Guys get prepared. The bond market is crashing. The debt market is pricing between the recession and depression. Something really really bad will happen in less than 6 months. Don't buy long. Why? Cause I am very sure there will be one day, you can't sell the shares you bought. Lock down limit and nobody will bid on your shares, no matter how low you ask. Conside you being warned.
    I used to think so too, but - egghead1 12/05/08 (256)
      why chinese want to get dragge - k19 12/05/08 (145)
      美国一位议员曾透露,中俄增持国美国债是谈判的结果  /无内容 - 枯木朽株 12/05/08 (157)
      现在美国国债涨了, 石油跌了, 正好可以 - QWE 12/05/08 (269)
        中国最近买了不少油,中国储备设施有限, - 枯木朽株 12/05/08 (260)
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