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Do you have any thoughts of
送交者: 水滴~ 2008月12月18日16:52:15 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: there is no deflation. It isk19 于 2008-12-18 14:24:59
how to "preserve" some "money" during the giant Tsunami?

paper gold is not real, real grains can't be stored for long time, oil is less demanded, whatelse?

other currencies? but everyone is printing.
US bond? obviously they will become junk.

I really don't know what to do.

When the resource is accumulated into "the few", actually it hurt "the few"'s interest too. How many they can spend in their life time? How long their dynasty will last? where are the offsprings of our great ancient emperors and kings? Is the material wealth really benefit "the few"'s offsprings? (well, all these are the useless, the loser's thoughts.:))
  Try ur best, leave the rest to - k19 12/18/08 (255)
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