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there is no deflation. It is
送交者: k19 2008月12月18日14:24:59 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 老Q小6,DEFLATION要果真来了买EOU应该差不离吧?鲜卑贺葛氏 于 2008-12-17 22:43:12
disinflation. There is a big difference.

There will be a short peroid of time that everything appeared to be super cheap. Like in the spring of next year. Buy anything that is durable for the next 5 years.
After that we will have a totally differen story. Get prepared.

Like tsunami, the tide will go down and for those ignorant people, they will walk into it to pick up the fish and shells. Not knowing that there is a giant wave is heading their way.
  Wowww, it's much worse than - 鲜卑贺葛氏 12/18/08 (219)
    But whatever it is, my point - 鲜卑贺葛氏 12/19/08 (211)
      Playing currencies is dangerou - k19 12/24/08 (175)
  Do you have any thoughts of - 水滴~ 12/18/08 (243)
    Try ur best, leave the rest to - k19 12/18/08 (255)
  俺的愤青观点: - 水滴~ 12/18/08 (336)
    Fed is buyign everything - k19 12/18/08 (226)
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