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Thanks a lot.
送交者: k19 2008月12月28日16:38:20 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 你的英文和智力都很低,居高臨下指導別人是笑話嘲笑蠢人 於 2008-12-24 13:23:35
I love people like you.
who has nothing to contribute besides calling name and bashing my english.

I don't know much about 金融市場. All I know is my money up 800% since july 07. I know nothing. And I intend to keep it that way.

WTF, hahahaha, everythign I said that everybody already know? hehehehehe. Or really. how many people here already know what Negtive arm is?

I never thought I am smarter than others. I simply digged deeper than many and tried to share with other who did not spend as much time as I did.
Your stupidity is in full display. Cause I know people like you have no guts to stay on topic, let alone debate on issues. You are a pussy. All you can do is taka snipe shot at me and ran away.

Like I said before, TELL ME WHAT I SAID WAS WRONG(I wrong many times, and will be wrong many more times) AND WE CAN DISSCUSS ABOUT IT.

If you are going to just take a shot at me like this then hide. This is what I have for you for the Happye new year:

Fuck you!!!
  Alright alright, cool your jet - 鮮卑賀葛氏 12/29/08 (119)
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