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i've booked $22,000 profit alr
送交者: ItsScheme 2009月01月08日07:43:38 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 別這麼戰戰兢兢的,多累,呵呵。6degrees 於 2009-01-08 07:34:35
already so far this year. i'll just play around now for this week. if there is no opportunity, then i'm done for the week.

look, market is back up again...
  樓主是個鬼精靈: $22,000很多啊。 - free2005 01/08/09 (235)
    蝸國殃民的股市, 又瘋了一個。。。 - efinancialgame 01/08/09 (354)
      輸了100多萬,能不瘋嗎? - free2005 01/08/09 (268)
        好樣的, 不咱殺就好。  - efinancialgame 01/08/09 (201)
        注意:不是新台幣哦。。。 - free2005 01/08/09 (245)
          是津巴布韋 money 吧?  /無內容 - efinancialgame 01/08/09 (207)
  are you interesting to sign up - Yani 01/08/09 (259)
    i don't mind to look at it - ItsScheme 01/08/09 (211)
      here you go - Yani 01/08/09 (262)
        Thank you for the link - ItsScheme 01/08/09 (252)
          it seems pacific time, sorry - efinancialgame 01/08/09 (259)
            what? - Yani 01/08/09 (254)
              do you have IB TWS newest - efinancialgame 01/08/09 (260)
                i use TWS4.0 - Yani 01/08/09 (285)
                  same as mine. it has a lot - ItsScheme 01/08/09 (243)
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