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do you have IB TWS newest
送交者: efinancialgame 2009月01月08日09:39:21 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: what?Yani 於 2009-01-08 09:19:55
version together with 3 or 4 charts on? plus instant messager, excel, word, internet explore and others on? Sometime TWS alone will cause seize up for 10 to 20 seconds. It is a lot time when you talking about scalping.

The one i used is 500MB Ram since it is window XP. I don't like vista though other two on my desk have 2GB and 4GB Ram and run on vista respectively.
  i use TWS4.0 - Yani 01/08/09 (285)
    same as mine. it has a lot - ItsScheme 01/08/09 (243)
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