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Nothing is happening...
送交者: 笑菡 2009月01月14日14:42:24 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: what's happening right now?Yani 于 2009-01-14 14:02:34
08 chicken blood injection had made the market jump in Dec. now we need to see some real actions,impacts and results. my guess is that we won't see any impacts and results (if any) for a while. market's mood is shifting back to the fundamentals. ER start to come out, will be another bloody quarter for the banks, and ER potential for 09 is....
I walked by the world trader center site the other day, after 8 years, that gigantic hole is still there! It made me thinking.
  has /无内容 - 笑菡 01/14/09 (343)
    steven jobs - Yani 01/14/09 (310)
      Oh, God/Pusa bless him! - 笑菡 01/14/09 (331)
        笑菡 - Yani 01/15/09 (318)
          yes.  /无内容 - 笑菡 01/15/09 (218)
          i guess - Yani 01/15/09 (232)
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