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Another low life NEW born baby
送交者: ItsScheme 2009月01月20日20:22:48 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Take an English course firstPress1forEnglish 于 2009-01-20 18:52:27
i don't see that your english is any better than mine whatsoever. you have more than 4 mistakes in just 2 short sentences. rest assured that had my English as poor as yours, the reading prove thesis wouldn’t even be published in an academic journal.

And you know what? those low life like you with poor english and defective trait, strange personality who always like to spend time to bone pick others' imperfection in english. People who have great command of the english on this board are much more humble than you shit low life. Besides, you hardly see any native born people who accuse non-English speaking people for their poor English.

never mind my poor chinglish. for sure there is room to rearrange the structure of my posts had i have more time. Even many native born english speaking people have problem in arrange the logical structural expression in a hurry.
  I am sorry... - Press1forEnglish 01/24/09 (160)
  Only dumbass laughed at my - k19 01/20/09 (206)
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