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use your logic.
送交者: k19 2009月01月31日19:43:21 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 股市作為資產本身可以漲落枯木朽株 於 2009-01-30 22:06:51
I sold you the painting for 1MM(million).
then buy it back from you for 2MM.
then sold you to 3MM
buy it from you for 4MM......
at the end I sold to you for 10 MM.

so both of us made 5MM in average?
Ok now the painting got burned. it worth 0.
How much we lost? 5 MM in average? LOL

No we don't last 5hit. all we lost is the painting. it is just how is the idiots bought the painting when it got burned. and he lost probably about 5 MM. But that 5 MM did not lost. it went to the pocket of the last seller.
No money got created and no money got lost.

I have no degree in economy. But the math isn't that complicate.
    水滴同學想得還是太複雜了 - 枯木朽株 02/01/09 (377)
      枯木朽株 said it better than me.  /無內容 - k19 02/03/09 (283)
      俺老是覺得俺的房子漲,俺的現金就貶值。:) - 水滴~ 02/02/09 (298)
  你是否想說這裡總錢數沒有損失? - 枯木朽株 01/31/09 (343)
    總資產 is simply a concept. - k19 02/03/09 (215)
    我們再按你的例子算一遍:) - 枯木朽株 01/31/09 (268)
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