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You really don't understand
送交者: k19 2009月02月20日21:13:03 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: vf: 经济危机和提前退休vf 于 2009-02-20 20:49:27
What went wrong.
It is not subprime. Subprime is just a small problem and it was finished a while ago.

401k is already 201k. We are on the way to 101k or 01k. Get out of the market. And get prepared for what is comming.

You probably don't even know what is comming. I don't either. But I can tell you this, there are many countries in the world is on the verge of collapse. Maybe this weekend or next, I dont know. Mexico is in deep shit. Stop thinking about buying stocks. Start to prepare. I don't know what to do. But it is going to get much worse soon.
  股市是可能再跌 - vf 02/21/09 (424)
    If it will fall, why buy now? - k19 02/22/09 (266)
      wrong button - k19 02/22/09 (225)
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