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He is telling Americans to buy
送交者: 小寒* 2009月02月21日07:02:18 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: He is not buyingk19 於 2009-02-20 20:44:23
so we can be on the bottom of the pile. :-)

Market had hope for O8's stimulus plan in Dec thru Jan. Now it starts to think "May be he has no magic either". :-)

When confidence is in doubt, market will deteriorate further.
  has Wallstreet relieved - Yani 02/21/09 (369)
    haha, how many times in the - k19 02/21/09 (139)
    I think it's just temporary - egghead1 02/21/09 (179)
    A little bit  /無內容 - 枯木朽株 02/21/09 (273)
      What wallstreet worried most - 小寒* 02/21/09 (253)
        The real problem is nobody - k19 02/21/09 (181)
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