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What wallstreet worried most
送交者: 小寒* 2009月02月21日10:55:32 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: A little bit枯木朽株 於 2009-02-21 09:09:05
is not whether there will be a nationalization. A short_term nationalized may be welcomed by part of the Walltreat because the damange could be somewhat limited to the shareholds.

Wallstreet is not worried about stock market going down as much as the general public, as equity trading could be long or short.

Wallstreet worries about the continue deterioration of the credit market, making lending more risky. The lack of leadership, the lack of solidarity and hand_on experience of dealing with financial crisis amongst the lawmaker, the lack of consistency in policy making, are real problems. The more they debate, the more shows how much they know.

The reality is no one knows what\'s going on. There\'re plenty of private money sitting on the sidelines waiting, because no one knows what the government will do. The government doesn\'t know either.

Enjoy the sunny weekend everyone.
  The real problem is nobody - k19 02/21/09 (181)
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