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To be fair,
送交者: egghead1 2009月02月21日10:57:25 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: He is not buyingk19 於 2009-02-20 20:44:23
His call to buy America is too early at best. But I think saying he's done is a little early too. His recent buys(GS, GE, harley-davidson,etc.) at Berkshire are almost all preferred shares or bonds that pay at least 10%. Unless these companies go bankrupt, his investments will have decent returns. Maybe that's why he sold some stocks in the fourth quarter -- simply to rotate the money into safer investments of preferreds and bonds.
  Nah, you call buy GS at 115 - k19 02/21/09 (198)
  He certainly underestimated - 小寒* 02/21/09 (331)
    probably. But his time horizon - egghead1 02/21/09 (337)
      May be so, but somehow - 小寒* 02/21/09 (174)
      10 years later, it will be - k19 02/21/09 (290)
        you two feel really - egghead1 02/22/09 (231)
          I am hopeful too - 小寒* 02/22/09 (331)
            hmm, - egghead1 02/22/09 (214)
              Like wise - 小寒* 02/22/09 (195)
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