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10 years later, it will be
送交者: k19 2009月02月21日16:33:39 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: probably. But his time horizonegghead1 於 2009-02-21 16:25:32
worse, as this govt is running by a bunch of idiots. They have done nothing to solve the problem but to make it worse.

Buffett wrote put when spx at 1400. His call to buy the market is simply the talk of his book. So that you can take over his bags. Time horizon is bullshit. why?
Baby boommers!!! These BB will need money to fund their retirment or even make their ends meet. If they all retire, then there will only be 3 people work to support one. How can you make 6% of annual return? when the corporations are going bankruptcy??? This is a generation purge! only the fitest will survive.

Time will tell. absolutely. But You know you are on the right track or not now. If you are wrong yesterday, the chance for you to be right today is pretty slim.
  you two feel really - egghead1 02/22/09 (231)
    I am hopeful too - 小寒* 02/22/09 (331)
      hmm, - egghead1 02/22/09 (214)
        Like wise - 小寒* 02/22/09 (195)
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