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I am hopeful too
送交者: 小寒* 2009月02月22日08:01:36 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: you two feel reallyegghead1 于 2009-02-22 06:25:21
I think the next 2-3 years could be the opportunity for the next 10, so I am not buying 950 knowing that i could buy 650 or even lower.
Timing is so important when it comes to investing, for some of these big guys, they are so fully loaded right now, when market goes down to 650, they will be forced to sell and may not have the chance to 翻身 and see the light at end of the 10_year tunnel.
We are on the same page on the key points, especially about being possitive and hopeful! Every crisis perensents an opportunity. :-)
In China, my 2003-2006 real estates, 2007-2008 RMB and 国债 have done well, adding more there this year.
Presently, my focus is on my job and family, not doing much in PTA.
Wishing you the best of luck! :-)
  hmm, - egghead1 02/22/09 (214)
    Like wise - 小寒* 02/22/09 (195)
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