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Like I said you can unintentio
送交者: k19 2009月03月27日21:03:17 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: misleading is the wrong wordsql 于 2009-03-27 20:41:37
unintentionly mislead people. You dont need absolute truth. But you need data or fact to support your claim. When you don't have those data and fact, you can easily make up something you think is right. And that can eaisly and unintentionaly mislead other people. Of course you could be right, but as far as I concern, with the data and fact I have, I see no chance for recovery. Am I 100% correct. No! Of course not. that is why I am willing to listen.
Maybe I did not express myself correctly. I used the word "lie" and "misleading" here. but those are not directed to you. I simply meant to say you were mislead by other people. Let me make that clear.
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