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sql: Few more articles
送交者: k19 2009月03月27日21:32:57 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: sql, my apology!k19 于 2009-03-27 13:44:45
No, New Home Sales data did not improve. In fact, they were not only not positive, they were actually horrific. The year over year number was a terrible down 41%. Sales from this same period a year ago have nearly been halved.

Remember, last year govt bullshit about HOPE NOW program????

HOPE prevents 1 foreclosure
HOPE for Homeowners has been a failure. But Congress thinks some tweaks will revive it.
In the five months since it has been in effect, HOPE has helped exactly one homeowner to avoid foreclosure. This despite Congress having made $300 billion available to back these loans and estimating that the program would benefit as many as 400,000 families.

Ok, Now you tell me is there anything that is misleading or lie??? Plenty! that is what they do to suck you in.

For goodness sake. ONLY HELPED ONE!!!!
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