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送交者: 水滴~ 2009月04月05日21:34:55 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Here is a vid you can watchk19 于 2009-04-05 16:50:08
Bill Moyer is one of those journalists who keep their moral integreity and speak the truth. I am very happy to see that America still have brave souls like WIlliam Black and Paul Krugman.

SInce Geithner revealed that bank bailout plan and later that M2M relaxing, I have been very sad and become disilluted. I almost "heart broken". I believed "Change We can!" Now I start to doubt. I doubt that 08 will ever restore the moral integrity that was losted in recently decades. The game is playing as usual.

I suspect that this is the national interest to plan this scheme, so why change? After all they can keep printing to excape the disaster. What they really lose is not money, but the credibility to lead the free world to fight against the ignorance and poverty.
  I was a hardcore Dem. and did - k19 04/06/09 (211)
    水滴~: can't read your post. - k19 04/06/09 (181)
      me too. try again. - 水滴~ 04/06/09 (176)
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