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Btw,usl seems to have the same
送交者: Seawaves 2009月04月17日13:22:24 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: Copper instead of gold?小寒* 於 2009-04-17 07:59:07
front month rollover cost as uso does in a contango market.

DBO might be an option, as it involves wallstreet wisdom to dodge high rollover cost. "Rather than select a new futures contract based on a predetermined schedule (e.g., monthly), it rolls to the futures contract which generates the best possible ‘implied roll yield.’ The futures contract with a delivery month within the next thirteen months which generates the best possible implied roll yield will be included in each Index. As a result, each Index Commodity is able to potentially maximize the roll benefits in backwardated markets and minimize the losses from rolling in contangoed markets."
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