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I've been shorting
送交者: cibc1 2009月04月28日12:08:32 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: watch tnx 04/22/09--k19k19 于 2009-04-28 10:26:45
TLT since Jan. It broke 100 today. The 5 year auction this afternoon did go so well, 10 year yield over 3%.
  one thing about shorting TLT - egghead1 04/30/09 (410)
    Thanks, i didn't know that - cibc1 04/30/09 (331)
      most likely too many people - egghead1 04/30/09 (301)
        Focus is on the Yields today! - cibc1 05/01/09 (241)
          true. with low implied vol, - egghead1 05/01/09 (235)
  some said - k19 04/28/09 (293)
    The trend continues... - cibc1 05/01/09 (210)
  still keep shorting? and - Seawaves 04/28/09 (447)
    Not sure about - cibc1 04/28/09 (265)
      agree, - Seawaves 04/29/09 (206)
    I am still short, - cibc1 04/28/09 (359)
      thanks. - Seawaves 04/28/09 (323)
        70ish so far  /无内容 - cibc1 04/28/09 (213)
  "didn't go so well" /无内容 - cibc1 04/28/09 (223)
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