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Focus is on the Yields today!
送交者: cibc1 2009月05月01日08:50:06 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: most likely too many peopleegghead1 于 2009-04-30 13:30:32
Today\'s move seems all about commodities. I think the market is reacting to the long-term yields getting higher, commodity prices and producers are performing well. The downside of yields going higher is that the fed will have hard time getting the mortgage rates down, which in return will dampen the housing market recovery.

TLT under $97 today. Thought about selling calls a while back, didn\'t act on it. (imp vol so low). The only thing I am confident about these days is my boys are growing taller :-)
  true. with low implied vol, - egghead1 05/01/09 (235)
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