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We must miss something here !!!
送交者: fishman2 2008月06月20日07:57:42 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: A question for Option expertfishman2 于 2008-06-19 10:13:04
At 10:50AM ET
BCE stock(USA): 33.91/33.92 bid/ask +0.01 change
BCE Jun 35 put: 2.30/2.40 bid/ask
more than $1.2 premum for last day. , the news will only come AM
We do miss something here!!!! Anyone can explain?
  nothing unusual - ItsScheme 06/20/08 (245)
    uncertainty is the value, but in this case - fishman2 06/20/08 (201)
      Before you become a priority clients, - ItsScheme 06/20/08 (190)
        well, if illegal, then rights shoudn't belong to ... - free2005 06/20/08 (190)
  Nothing, just don't want to let you escape cheap! lol /无内容 - free2005 06/20/08 (140)
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