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On green economy
送交者: jingchen 2018年03月26日19:51:23 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話

Green economy becomes a vogue in recent years. I just read a paper on the statistical relation between green economy and other factors. Here are some results. Green economy will increase inflation. Green economy requires a lot of fixed investment. Green economy perform well where financial market and legal systems are less developed. The statistical results are quite consistent with many familiar examples. 

Canadian electricity companies, such as BC hydro, Ontario hydro, buy a lot of “green”electricity, which greatly increases the consumer prices of electricity. Green economy, such as wind farms, requires a lot of fixed investment. The green economy is so against the economic principles that it flourishes mostly in places with less developed financial and legal systems. Most solar cells, whose production generates heavy pollution, are produced in China, where the legal system is subjugated to the government.

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