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we should have a rally soon
送交者: ItsScheme 2008年11月18日10:29:19 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
before the end of the week, 3 days decline wedge again. apparently the dip (nonetheless, it was a new low) of last Thu and spike of late Fri were noise. Therefore, i do expect a rally is coming. short need to cover. if we approaching day high late today, then that is the one. if not, then tomorrow then... and if rally is true, then we have a higher low...
    QWE, do you have time to join - k19 11/18/08 (321)
      在哪裡? - QWE 11/18/08 (229)
        here - k19 11/18/08 (200)
    can you draw a falling wedge - doublebb 11/18/08 (189)
  buying at last low is fun, hah  /無內容 - doublebb 11/18/08 (200)
  buying at last low is fun, hah  /無內容 - doublebb 11/18/08 (204)
  hey, hey, don't forget - ItsScheme 11/18/08 (172)
  if we close at here, it will - k19 11/18/08 (315)
    what are you talking about? - ItsScheme 11/18/08 (258)
      click on the link in my post - k19 11/18/08 (216)
        i have no time. sorry. buddy - ItsScheme 11/18/08 (202)
          I know. not everyone have time - k19 11/20/08 (121)
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