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Traders in your firm?
送交者: ItsScheme 2009年02月13日09:57:11 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
Most of them are no better than average joe. If there were not their big chunk of money in hands and maniuplate the stocks, they would already lost their shirt. Look at some so called professional who made those calls of buying at market top? Believe me, without 10 to 20 years trading experience, they aren't even close to a mid lever good trader. These young kids wouldn't bring you any good trading talk. Because you weigh and refer the news "so much" and it is because wall st said so. This is a typical amateur behavour. It isn't even a news to traders.
  How many years you have?  /無內容 - 6degrees 02/13/09 (247)
    my learning curve, time - ItsScheme 02/13/09 (213)
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