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further to the 咱臭話先說在前, 咱手下留情,
送交者: ItsScheme 2009年02月25日15:56:09 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
咱刀下留人… should attorney general accept case and proceeding for criminal prosecution, you could be arrested immediately. Remember, libel is a serious crime in western society. Don’t overlook on it. One side note, before you can defend your female subordinate, you should be able to defend yourself. Seriously, for some very minor things that you feel nothing in China such as you argue with someone in his property, you could be end up in jail; such as trespass, you could be end up in jail; such as screaming at your wife/husband, you could be end up in jail...
    Libel is a risk/reward ratio. - ItsScheme 02/26/09 (385)
      好的好的。我給你20萬,你什麼時候給我100萬? - free2005 02/27/09 (349)
        剩下的100萬就算是你們的獎金好滴。。。 - free2005 02/27/09 (299)
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